Canad Inns Stadium Rental Information
Winnipeg Enterprises Corporation

The information contained below is subject to change and is dependent upon such factors as facility configuration, attendance, event & building services and other requirements.     

Rental Fee

  • 12% of ticket sales (net of taxes), $7,500 minimum for professional rate; non-profit and amateur sporting groups, please contact us to discuss fees and charges.
  • Facility user fee of $0.25 on each ticket sold.

Taxes Applicable on Tickets

  • City of Winnipeg Entertainment Tax – 10%. 
  • Federal GST – 7%.

Ticketing (Select-A-Seat)

  • Box Office commission fee is negotiable (dependent upon client's needs and ticketing volumes).
  • Patron Agency/Convenience Fee (dependent upon ticket prices and method of sale - i.e. phone, outlet, window, Internet).


The Winnipeg Arena & Canad Inns Stadium provide the following services through its internal resources:       

  • Door Personnel, Ushers, and Customer Service.
  • Security.
  • Police, if required.
  • Electrician.
  • Criticare (medical).
  • Clock Matrix Operator.
  • A comprehensive estimate of staffing charges is available upon request. Please contact Alayne Nott (204-982-5300).

Other Available Products and Services

  • Special equipment and related production services (score clock, forklift, facility conversion) are available.
  • Other services include:
    • 1 Sony Jumbotron.  Please call for additional information.
    • Event advertising.
    • Press releases and press conferences.
    • Building conversion (turf coverage).
    • Merchandise/Souvenirs: WEC supplies staff, necessary booths, and equipment. Commission rates to be negotiated. 
    • Other services available upon request.
  • WEC retains all revenues from food & beverage services and parking.
  • Permanent advertising is controlled by the Winnipeg Blue Bombers.
  • WEC require the facility user to have comprehensive third party liability insurance at a minimum of three million dollars Canadian ($3,000,000).

We would be happy to assist you with all your event requirements, please call for additional information!

Rates subject to change.

Last updated: Wednesday, May 29, 2002

1430 Maroons Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba
General Office: ph: (204) 982-5400 fax: (204) 774-4332